Team members:

All except Amanda, Derek and Audrey


  • Action items check
  • GIGAWOT curriculum design
    • smart home mobile computing (Samuel/Anthony)
    • Lego RCX chassis activity with prebuilt programs
  • EV3 Summer Camp teaching duty assignment
  • Summer Chassis work overall status update (Coach)
    • Project Progress report tool – Gantt chart
  • Summer Chassis work video plan review (Evan/Max)
  • GrabCAD Setup review (Justin/Jerry)
  • Summer Chassis work individual chassis status report
    • simulated CAD model video file (All)
    • BOM List review
  • Summer Chassis Test Spec review – in preparation for June meeting
  • Team laptop setup
    • Brandon to setup Android Studio on Team laptop
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)


  • Summer Ongoing work
    • Amanda: prezi (or any good tool) presentation as visual aid for in pit judging interview
    • Justin: study the AutoDesk capability in rendering the simulation and automation with PTC model
    • Max: create the video for community wide chassis study project


  • General:
    • Justin,  Evan, Anthony, Max, Derek, Brandon, Abhishek, Audrey: indicate your availabilities for FTC workshop date
  • Reflection on all of our outreach activities so far (follow 6832 examples): We did a quick review of what was written there. There is a missing section on the impact section, what the event’s impact to you, to the kids and to the community. We want you to think more now instead of until half a year later when we prepare for the tournament. Team agreed on 6-8 sentences in this impact section otherwise treated as uncompleted.
    • Jerry: RCCG Church demo (put the link to the outreach activity preparation doc, see example from Youth Robotics Fair Event)
    • Brandon: Boys and Girls Club demo (put the link to the outreach activity preparation doc, see example from Youth Robotics Fair Event)
    • Samuel: Update photo galleries on with Mathfun pictures (Jean/Rose, did you take any pictures?)
    • Samuel: MathFun reflection doc
    • Everyone: Write your reflections on Youth Robotics Fair activity
      • Add impact section
  • Award judging session improvement
    • Abhishek/Samuel: send technology company presentation videos to team
    • Everyone: watch the videos that Abhishek/Samuel sent
    • Younger team members: research technology company presentations and watch them
    • Senior team members: look for/connect to people in companies that we can connect with for reaching up in our outreach
    • Max: research real technology company engineering notebooks and bring some examples/ideas for out notebook
  • GIGAWOT preparation
    • Samuel: Improve the curriculum slides based on meeting discussion
    • Anthony: complete the first version of the MIT App Inventor app which can accept the twitter msg and control EV3 robot motor and display the sensor values from EV3 robot with an imagined home robot
    • Anthony: initial version Robo Sumo program, download to both EV3 and test out in the robo sumo ring.
  • EV3 Summer Camp preparation
    • Amanda: you marked no for all days. It is required for senior members to cover at least three half a day session in this section
    • Younger members: thanks for commit for the entire week; if on a specific day you need to be off for a few hours, please let me know so I can make sure we have enough coverage (as early as possible)
    • Younger member families: I don’t see sign up yet, so I put assignment roughly (feel free to adjust). Here is the link to the plan:
    • Evan: Prepare the camper rule slides which you will cover it as the first thing on Monday morning as the lead instructor of the EV3 summer camp. (we have the proposed rules in the above google sheet at the bottom of the 2018 plan tab)
    • Evan: Document what support you need from the adult supervisor in the same tab at the very bottom.
    • Younger member: I uploaded all course slides/videos to the dropbox, you can get your session slides and get familiar with it, You are welcome to further improve it. I will schedule session review with you and your instructor mentor based on team meeting availabilities


  • Everyone: Update your status on Gantt chart before next team meeting
  • Everyone: put your CAD model files to GrabCAD per the version structure from Justin. If you are not clear, please contact him
  • Justin: report on whose chassis models still missing in GrabCAD before next team meeting. We want to wrap up the CAD stage to focus on building stage
  • Everyone: Close BOM list issues
    • Audrey: I don’t think you need the extra 4 collars. Please start building to confirm that.
    • Melody: update your part list (I think I have all you need but your list is still not correct yet.) Please come to my home to pick up the parts.
    • Derek:  no issues at the moment (you might have extra 4 collars, return as you finish your build)
    • Jerry: I need all product url to make sure I am ordering the right parts for you
    • Anthony: I will order the three parts you have identified as missing. Please double check again if you need anything else and send me email to confirm. ModernRobotics shipping fee is normally expensive. We want to avoid multiple orders. You did get the 6mm bore clamps? There are two kinds of adapters for Tetrix, I think you need 6-32 tapped. Please confirm.
    • Ray:  no issues at the moment
    • Austin:  no issues at the moment
    • Abhishek: you need to be clear about the actobotics hub spec otherwise I can’t order the right one. I will order soon for Jerry. please update your part list to green as you receive the part
    • Evan: please update your part list to green as you receive the part
  • Everyone: Update your Joint Engineering notebook with your best skills (Due Friday night midnight)
  • Audrey: send engineering notebook entry evaluation comment on Saturday before team meeting, copy all parents. We will correct right away during team meeting, the team members can only go home after it is corrected. You will help track, they can only leave with your sign off on the engineering notebook entry
  • Samuel: Update executive summery on the joint engineering notebook
  • Brandon: Refine test spec in the joint engineering notebook with coach’s meeting (and Samuel) on 6/3 night

8565 Pre-season Team Meeting #10 – 06/02/2018

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