
The team decided to use the tank tread belt to transfer the ball from the ground to a higher part of the robot, where the shooter is located.

We received the pieces to the tank tread kit this week and we have completed the belt though not the path way to the shooter. We propose a design similar to this below.


Shooter Mechanism:

This week the shooter mechanism underwent the spring change to the more elastic spring, but through testing we noticed that it was not strong enough in general. The spring we were using was a compression spring which was difficult to path from the shooter arm to the shooter chassis. Thus we concluded that an extension spring would be better than as it would be easier to path and would only require an inverse placement of the chassis and the shooter arm than before.


Robot Chassis:

The chassis is still going to be the 4 wheel drive 2 motor chained chassis.



10/1/16 Hardware
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