Team members:

Setup and Cleanup for next meeting: (names mean penalty duty)

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall:
  • Hardware:
  • Software:
  • CAD:


  • Parents attention:
    11/19 FLL Scrimmage Role assignments
    Texas Library Association Conference and the TLA Innovation Lab 4/3-4/6, 2018
    Mentoring availability check
    Team shirt size collection
    Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
    Rule update check (Jerry)
    Review scouting sheet and google form
    Review Inspiration Book entries
    Go over presentation
    Strategy discussion/show prototypes/test prototypes
    Review Engineering Notebook / Inspiration Notebook (getting ready for qualifiers)
    Team role assignments including (pit crew check list and robot inspection)
  • First In Texas article status update
  • 11/19 FLL Scrimmage Role assignments
  • Tune teleop
  • Tune autonomous program for the robot
  • Sign off last Engineering Notebook entry with Managers and Coach before leaving the meeting

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Goal: get ready for a possible 11/11 qualifier tournament
    • Everyone: complete the Inspiration Book entry per Samuel’s feedback by 11/5 midnight so he can get the book ready for print for 11/11 qualifier
      • Jerry: Redo your entries and add in more detail, actually add pictures
      • Justin: Add in pictures for CIE Mathfun, they are on the flyset website
      • Abhishek: Add the dates for IBM GIGAWOT and who volunteered, it was not you and me
      • Amanda: Add in pictures for the FTC workshop
    • Abhishek, Evan, Jerry, Samuel, Justin: prepare for the presentation
      • prepare your verbiage per assignment below
        • (15) Intro- Samuel(60) Hardware- Abhishek(60) Software- Jerry-Jewel mechanism-Vulforia-Linear slide encoder(30) CAD- Jerry-System envelopes(240) Outreach team (both inside and outside FIRST):Abhishek, Evan, Jerry, Samuel

          Evan- Intro w/ workshop, at&t

          Abhishek-  Example with rubber band car

          Jerry- Example with EV3 camp w/ new team (David)

          Samuel- grant given to Title 1 school, Harvey FLL set, summary

          Evan- Example with FTC workshop how to get venue (brought world class teams and vendors)

          Abs- mention underprivileged groups@AT&T, gigawat and stemshop

          (15) Conclusion- Samuel

      • update the prezi with pictures related to your part
    • Samuel: get both Engineering Notebook and Inspiration book local copy ready for print
    • Amanda: get team interview scouting sheet ready (share it on the team google sheet)
    • Everyone: fill in your team jacket size on tournament availability tab so coach can order
    • Everyone: complete your plano library waiver form per instructions from Amanda and update status on tournament availability tab of team google sheet
    • Jerry: check rule updates
  • Software
    • Goal: glyph and relic scoring during teleop; jewel ball scoring during autonomous
    • Brandon: complete the tuning with hardware team
    • Brandon/Jerry: update 10/28 Engineering notebook entry with scrimmage learning and plan (so Samuel can get the book ready for print)
  • CAD
    • Justin: update CAD model
    • Justin: update 10/28 Engineering notebook entry with scrimmage learning and plan (so Samuel can get the book ready for print)
  • Hardware
    • Abhishek: start a draft pit crew check list
    • Evan: start robot inspection check
    • Abhishek/Evan/Amanda: update 10/28 Engineering notebook entry with scrimmage learning and plan (so Samuel can get the book ready for print)

8565 TechnicBots Meeting #8 – 11/4/2017

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