Team members:


Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall:
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software:
  • CAD:


  • Action item check
  • Rule updates check
  • Prezi rehearsal
  • Driver test/programming

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Everyone: Rewrite presentation here:
      • Intro: Samuel (30 sec)
      • Hardware: Abhishek, Evan (2 min)
      • Software: Brandon (1 min)
      • CAD: Justin (30 sec)
      • Outreach in FIRST: Jerry (1 min)
      • Outreach out of FIRST: Amanda (1 min)
      • Conclusion: Samuel (30 sec)
    • Everyone: Update your prezi slides
    • Everyone: Read the judging award tips linked in the email
      • Skip the robot game section, but everything else should help us on judging.
      • There will be a quiz on it next week. 
    • Everyone: Write in engineering notebook
  • Hardware
    • Evan and Abhishek: Do lots of driver training
  • Software
    • Brandon: Start control sheet
    • Jerry: Program relic
  • CAD
    • Justin: Work on CAD for 3D bot



8565 TechnicBots Meeting #16 – 1/20/2018

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