Team members:

Austin, Ray, Anthony, Derek, Max, Evan, Amanda, Jerry


  • Action items check
  • Outreach leading logisitics clarification
  • FTC Summer Chassis Study Project recruiting status
  • Youth Robotics Fair preparation
    • Marketing planning
    • Volunteer training planning
    • Site Layout
    • Prizes
    • Approved activity preparation document finalization
      • Evan/Abhishek
      • Abhishek/Amanda
      • Jerry/Max
      • Brandon/Ray
  • PTC CAD modeling QA
    • REV constraint tip
  • Youth robotics fair activity review and approval with Coach
    • Max/Anthony
    • Justin/Austin (Sunday morning)
    • Audrey (review her doc)
  • Team laptop setup
    • Brandon to setup Android Studio on Team laptop
  • Ongoing work check:
    • Engineering Notebook Cover Design (monthly)
    • Prezi presentation Design (monthly)
    • AutoDesk capability investigation (monthly)
    • Outreach activity leads status check (monthly)
    • Chassis study project video (monthly) — Evan/Max to review plan then explain to Coach
    • Chassis Study Work Engineering Notebook entry feedback (weekly)
    • Chassis Study Work issue discussions (weekly)
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)


  • Summer Ongoing work:
    • Audrey: Engineering Notebook Cover design
    • Amanda: prezi presentation as visual aid for in pit judging interview
    • Justin: study the AutoDesk capability in rendering the simulation and automation with PTC model
    • Max: create the video for community wide chassis study project


  • General:
    • Everyone: indicating your availability for 6/29/2018 AT&T demo event
    • Everyone: fill in your preparation hours for the past events and YRF up to date
    • Audrey: update the engineering notebook cover design (check with Amanda for details)
      • split into two covers: one is “volume 1 of 2” and the other is “volume 2 of 2” with “Inspiration Book”
      • create spline insert with the similar info such as team name, number, season, book name and volume name
  • Youth Robotics Fair preparation
    • Actions needed for the preparation
      • Everyone: Continue marketing the event: mark it green as you complete it (should have half of your channel done by next team meeting)
      • Amanda: Complete the siteplan and add the doc link to the team google sheet (make it editable for link or team email address)
      • Amanda: Invite Plano Senior High FRC team to showcase their FRC robot at Youth Robotics Fair
      • Coach: order trophies, prizes, cadies, tally counter, cones, tapes, electrodes
      • Evan/Abhishek: FTC Robot scrimmage and driving experience — final actions after reviewing
        • split the information into our own explanation and the reference points that volunteers need (update based on feedback from RCCG demo)
        • preparing the scoring form for the volunteers
      • Abhishek/Amanda: Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm Experience — final actions after reviewing
        • Amanda to get familiar with the arm setup and running
      • Justin/Austin: Robo Sumo wrestling  — final actions after reviewing
        • Prepare the materials for the challenge
        • Add the ring and robot start position tape diagram to both preparation doc and public rule page
      • Austin/Justin: Line follower contest — final actions after reviewing
        • Prepare the materials for the challenge
        • Add the score table in preparation doc
      • Samuel/Anthony: Roomba virtual challenge
        • no further actions and  Ready for Coach review and approve
      • Jerry/Max: 3D design Challenge  — final actions after reviewing
        • Update the material table with detailed informatiom
        • Add in hand out sheet with the example robot CAD model picture and the url and search instructions if the participants want to  search more when go home
        • Add in the example custom model pictures built based on the objects shown to the participants
      • Brandon/Ray: ipad RVW programming challenge — final actions after reviewing
        • confirm with Brandon if #4 and #5 challenges are working
      • Melody: Rubber Band Race Car
        • no further actions and  Ready for Coach review and approve
      • Derek: Spartan robot
        • Add in visual aids IR sensor range explanation: the current diagram is not correct. Use the info from Modern robotics website:
      • Max/Anthony: EV3 maze — — final actions after reviewing
        • Anthony to add in the picture of UI screen of the original app,
        • Anthony to add in the picture of UI screen of the tilt app and illustrating diagrams for the tilt actions
        • Max to get familiar with both EV3 controls
      • Audrey: Machine learning with IBM Watson Assistant and Scratch (MakeMeHappy)
        • Update the activity based on coach’s feedback


  • Derek: complete the Robot model and prepare the BOM
  • Anthony: email modern robotics to ask if they have sprockets; if not, can use actobotics sprockets and clamp on modern robotics 6mm shafts
  • Austin: email actobotics to ask if they have the CAD model files for collars
  • Melody: install the motor upside down so you don’t need to use gears and we can have slightly different chassis between yours and Audrey’s (ask Evan for more details)
  • Ray: start building the example gear drivetrain from REV documentation to get familiar with the hardware parts and then come back to build the CAD model
  • Jerry: add in the links to the reference where the FTC teams claimed that separate gearbox helped them; we will have Evan’s Dad to research
  • Everyone: log your entries to the April engineering notebook; continue for this week, you will log anything your learnt and resolved in PTC while working on your chassis model and a picture of the latest chassis model in the engineering notebook, Due midnight Friday night

8565 Pre-season Team Meeting #6 – 5/5/2018

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