Team members:

All except Amanda


  • Fusion 360 feedbback from Amanda and Max
  • EV3 summer camp video and summary (Evan)
  • EV3 summer camp reflection (Samuel)
  • GIGAWOT/RCX workshop reflection (Samuel)
  • Outreach presentation topic assignment for contest in kick off party
    • senior member: FTC summer chassis project and FTC workshop
    • younger member: inspire kids in robotics
  • Amanda’s summerwork sharing
    • team management tool
    • presentation app for in pit interview
  • Summer chassis test results review (Coach)
  • Summer chassis video review (Max)
  • FTC workshop vendor support status update (Coach)
  • FTC workshop presentation topics assignment and detailing (Coach)
    • Melody: Direct drive vs geared/chained drive
    • Audrey: Explain the comparison for the difference from direct drive
    • Jerry: VEX versaplanetary gear box usage and summary of all 2-wheel test results
    • Derek: Sideway test design
    • Anthony: Expansion Hub mounting position and API; motor performance compensation by software
    • Evan: Macanum chassis control logic
    • Ray: Comparison of Tornado, HEX motor and AndyMark
    • Austin: Comparison of Motors impact on going straight
    • Abhishek: Custom chassis build tips/tricks
    • Amanda: Fusion 360 in developing one of the chassis
    • Justin: GrabCAD and render the simulation for PTC model in autodesk
    • Brandon: Chassis study project test overall design and spec
    • Samuel: Summary of Chassis project results
    • Max: PTC workshop tutorial #6
    • Melody: PTC workshop tutorial #1
    • Audrey: PTC workshop tutorial #3
    • Derek: PTC workshop tutorial #4
  • FTC workshop CAD program planning (Justin)
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)



  • General:
    • Outreach activity leading
      • Amanda, Justin: look for/connect to people in companies that we can connect with for reaching up in our outreach
      • Abhishek: work with Samuel to make sure the independence high school event is updated on website (return all team elements back)
    • Outreach Reflections Update
      • Younger members: for EV3 summer camp reflections elaborate more on everything and what we need to improve on section must have at least 3 paragraphs
      • Younger members: study the senior member’s reflections especially the impact sections to improve future reflections
      • Younger members: make sure that you specifically talk about your presentation in the what happened section of the EV3 summer camp reflections
      • Anthony: improve GIGAWOT summer camp reflections
      • Anthony: add more to RCCG workshop reflections especially the what happened section and improvement section
      • Anthony: finish EV3 summer camp reflections
      • Derek: improve GIGAWOT summer camp reflections
      • Derek: elaborate on impact section of RCCG workshop reflections
      • Derek: add more to the preparation and improvement sections of EV3 summer camp reflections
      • Audrey: add more to the what we need to improve on section of the RCCG workshop reflections
      • Audrey: add more to the preparation section of the EV3 summer camp reflections
      • Austin: add more to your GIGAWOT summer camp reflections on the how I prepared section
      • Austin: elaborate on the how I prepared section and impact section for the RCCG workshop reflection
      • Austin: add more to the preparation and improvement sections for EV3 summer camp
      • Melody: add more to EV3 summer camp reflections
      • Max: reword impact section of RCCG workshop reflection
      • Ray: add more to your GIGAWOT summer camp reflections on the how I prepared section and rewrite impact section
  • EV3 Summer camp wrapup
    • Audrey/Anthony/Derek: upload video files
    • Max/Ray: move the video files to the right folder
  • FTC workshop vendor support recruitment
    • Everyone: update the doc with the response you received from the vendor (
      • Jerry: VEX pro
      • Ray/Justin: REV (pick up motor from REV and put response from vendor in document)
      • Anthony/Evan: Modern Robotics
      • Derek/Samuel: Tetrix (put response from vendor in document)
      • Abhishek: Andy Mark
      • Coach: Actobotics
  • FTC workshop CAD sessions:
    • Justin: send out instructions about PTC workshop exercises to Melody (Exercise 1), Audrey (Exercise 3) and Derek (Exercise 4) for getting familiar with. Max already finished Exercise 6.
    • Justin: prepare the email to be sent out to the teams who want to do the PTC sessions (about downloading, setting up with license etc)
    • Amanda: prepare the slides for the topics on Fusion 360 in developing one of the chassis
    • Justin: prepare the slides for GrabCAD used in the summer chassis study project
    • Justin: prepare the slides for rendering the simulation of PTC model in autodesk
  • FTC workshop chassis sessions: everyone to prepare the slides for the assigned topics
    • template slides:
    • copy template slides into your own version and put your version link to team google sheet (Summer Chassis Study tab)
    • Melody: Direct drive vs geared/chained drive (pros and cons)
    • Audrey: Show the graphs for the comparison between direct drive and geared drive with graph, explain the comparison for the difference (agreeable to what Melody researched?)
    • Jerry: VEX versaplanetary gear box usage and summary of all 2-wheel test results in graph (thee lines in each graph)
    • Derek: Sideway movement improvement and test design
    • Anthony: Expansion Hub mounting position and API; motor performance compensation by software
    • Evan: Macanum chassis control logic
    • Ray: Comparison of Tornado, HEX motor and AndyMark motors
    • Austin: How to make the robot go straight, discovery of impact from motor performance matching and setup to test the DC motor; DC motor internals
    • Abhishek: Custom chassis build tips/tricks
    • Brandon: Chassis study project test overall design and spec (including all updates we made from summer and the detailed spec on the ramp and balancing stone since not all teams have seen those in person)
    • Samuel: Summary of Chassis project results


  • Everyone: Update your status on Gantt chart before next team meeting
  • Everyone: Update your Joint Engineering notebook with your best skills with all the tuning you have done during the test (Due Friday night midnight)
  • Audrey: send engineering notebook entry evaluation comment on Saturday before team meeting, copy all parents. We will correct right away during team meeting, the team members can only go home after it is corrected. You will help track, they can only leave with your sign off on the engineering notebook entry
  • Abhishek/Jerry/Ray: complete the test of your chassis
  • Max: update the video with all the feedback from Evan and team members plus the new footage shot in last night’s meeting
  • Justin: import Audrey’s chassis Creo model to Autodesk Max 30 and complete the simulation
  • Amanda: build Audrey’s chassis Creo model in Fusion 360
  • Justin: work with 9010 team to get their availability time

8565 Pre-season Team Meeting #21 – 08/18/2018

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