
Based on our calculations from the kick off, we decided that for the first meet most of our points will likely be from autonomous, since a shooting mechanism won’t be finished by that time. For a more successful autonomous  the robot will require:

  • Fast chassis
  • Good navigation using gyro sensors and robot chassis squaring up with the walls
  • Beacon button pressing mechanism with servos

For the teleop for the first league meet, we will just just score particles in the corner vortex because our shooting mechanism won’t be ready. And in end game the robot will focus solely on claiming as many beacons as possible.

Corner vortex mechanism:

  • Sweeper that sweeps outwards
  • Pushing arm

Beacon pushing mechanism (same for autonomous):

  • Robot chassis will first square up with the wall
  • Servo(s) will rotate causing a platform to move outward and presses the beacon button


In our opinion, this year’s challenge features robot chassis’s much less than last year. With a sloped mountain and churros as obstacles, Res-Q made teams think hard about how many motors to use, what wheels had the best traction, height of the robot, and many more that heavily impacted the robot’s climb. This year, their are almost no obstacles and the robot is not required to go up a ramp that often.

The Chassis:

  • Fast
  • Durable, requiring minimal repairs (since during the Texas Robot Roundup after each match there had to be many repairs)
  • Consistent performance, (Wheels that don’t get dusty)

9/10/16 Hardware
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