
Chassis Design:

  • Really fast robot; reliable; durable
  • Speed over torque

We decided to use a 2 wheel chassis instead of a 4 wheeled chassis, to reduce the weight and the amount of controllers to reduce the amount of disconnections. Instead of using axles and hubs, which require frequent tightening, screws and nylon nuts will be used for high durability. There will be gears to turn the wheels to prevent a direct drive that could possibly hurt the motors. The wheels used will be the standard Tetrix wheels since they do not pick up dust easily, which also means they have poor gription with the ground but we decided to go for the consistent option.

Shooter discussion:

We decided that the shooter mechanism would be mandatory as the points in the game are deflated this year. The shooter needed to be fast and efficient, yet it also had to be accurate. The dual wheel shooter design requires much gearing and a large amount of area which takes away from the other tasks for the robot therefore we decided that a spring launcher design would be a better choice. Thus we decided on the launcher seen below which can be made with a few custom parts.


Tele – op shooter idea:


  • Simple with less motors involved, only one required.
  • Uses the motion of the one AndyMark dc motor rather coupled with a thick spring underneath it.
  • The whole mechanism is small thus easily adjustable for aim.





  • Do both beacons
  • Cap ball
  • Partially park

Mechanism for beacon:

  • One servo that will rotate a beam, both ends of the beam will press the button
  • The robot will drive into the wall, to have a consistent and quick forward and back distance



  • Push balls into corner vortex

Mechanism Ideas:

  • Sweeper with zip-ties (Single ball harvester)
    • Harvester has fat zip ties with bungee covering it, 8 attached?
    • Single DC Motor spins harvester
    • Zip ties at 4 inches length
  • Pushing arm
    • Wooden stem? Maybe channel
    • Half-octagonal shape, covers diameter of a particle
    • Arm controlled by servo



  • Maintain beacon control


  • Same as autonomous, servos that will push out platforms that will press the beacon buttons

Mechanism proposal for cap ball:

  • Utilizes many channels for support
  • Wheels attached at end, geared 1:1, all spun buy a single motor, this pulls the cap ball in
  • Elastic strings attached from arms to main support channel to keep cap ball trapped, used to set arms back into initial position
  • Wooden support beams (may use axles) at the corner of arm and main support channel to freely let the arms move according to cap ball
  • Linear lift used to lift ball, pulled by AndyMark motor and string
  • Top of linear lift: AndyMark motor used to lower/raise the cap ball arms
  • Bottom of linear lift: Geared 2:1, single AndyMark moves linear lift+cap ball arms front/back


9/17/16 Hardware
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