We began programming the autonomous today with the basic chassis.  We are using the new SDK, which comes with a lot of changes and forced us to began reformatting the code. All reusable code from last year was moved over and partially tested.

List of Current Custom Methods in TeleOp:

  • drivingControl()
    • all the joystick logic for the wheels
  • buttonControl()
    • all the button logic for the attachments

List of Current Custom Methods in Autonomous:

  • encoderGyroDrive()
    • Allows the robot to drive straight for specified distance using Gyro sensor to maintain heading.
    • Uses a PID Controller inside the method.
  • gyroPID()
    • Similar to encoderGyroDrive() but allows robot to turn in place using Gyro.
    • PID controller slows the robot down as it gets closer to the end of the turn.

Autonomous progress: We tuned the PID controllers for encoderGyroDrive() and gyroPID(). They are accurate but need some more tuning. We also set up the basic movements to navigate to the beacons and started tuning.

9/24/16 Software
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