Take team member attendance in the team attendance tracker sheet in blog
Check availability for the next meeting: Samuel and Patrick are not attending, Brandon, Justin, and Abhishek need to update availability

Agenda (7:00pm):


Check on Abhishek for FIRST in Texas Grant letter (Abhishek has finished)
-Coach talk about communication efficiency
-Check action items completion (Finished all)
-FLL scrimmage sponsoring (Evan will contact Costco)
-PTC forum post status (windchill and ???) (Justin will continue searching for Windchill solution)
-Connecting status update (Samuel) (Samuel will contact Amanda’s cousin on mentoring us)
-Final decision on logo and T-shirt (Decided logo and design, will finalize which blend of polyester/cotton this week)
-Team blog notification mechanism (Brandon) (long term)
 -FTC SDK demo (Brandon) (Not done)
-Update driver station app on phones (Patrick) (Not Done)
Non-essential Technical item status updates
-MathCAD: (Samuel and Abhishek to try physics homework in the program)
-Vuforia SDK: (Samuel to try the program and report status)
-ESD: (Evan to continue research and report findings)

Engineering notebook (Samuel)

-Talk about how to write engineering notebook
-Review entries for last meeting (all content should be in by 7pm)
Hardware section (coordinate to avoid overwritting) : (name)
-Software section: (name)
-CAD section: (name)
Game rule updates (Abhishek) (updates should make into Engineering Notebook)

Robot Design discussion (discussion points should make into Engineering Notebook)
Autonomous strategy (Patrick/Brandon):
Chassis design (Patrick):
Beacon mechanism (Patrick):
Harvester mechanism (Amanda):
Shooter mechanism (Abhishek):
Cap ball mechanism (Evan):
Prototype Robot:

  • Modern Robotics module firmware update


Agenda (10:30pm):
  • New FTC SDK feature demo (Brandon)
  • Engineering notebook Executive Summary Review
  • Assign post meeting action items


In meeting Action items: (9:00pm)

Engineering Notebook

  • Record Engineering Notebook entries in to Word Document
  • Autonomous mode initial tuning
  • Update driver station app on all Android phones


Action items:

Hardware team: 

Finish testable prototype (Abhishek, Amanda and Patrick)

Test Modern Robotics Controllers with core device discovery (http://www.modernroboticsinc.com/coredevicediscovery)


Post 2 questions onto FTC forum

-Are you allowed to park in front of beacon to prevent others from scoring?

-Will there be a space underneath the corner vortex?

Do FTC grant letter at Liberty

Find rule updates, will post in engineering notebook next meeting

Abhishek sits in on Tuesday Liberty robotics team meeting

Abhishek and Evan: Tweet forum and 3d connection video


Look up Costco community grant and go to Costco and ask about it

Discover copyright for gear logo (https://www.mojomarketplace.com/item/modern-gear-logo)

Send logo to Coach


Continue looking for Windchill Solution

Create simulation for beacon attachment


Contact Amanda’s cousin about mentoring us

Samuel and Abhishek:

Do Mathcad for physics homework and screenshot how to use

Engineering notebook:

Jerry CAD, Brandon Software, Amanda Hardware

You are leading that section of the engineering notebook this week, in other words, you should make sure that pictures, content, etc. get posted for your section.


Check whether sensors and controllers are at 2.0 firmware

Contact hardware team to check on their attachment designs (make sure they would work well)


Contact Jasper’s robotics team about mentoring
Write description of harvester discussion during 9/17 meeting in Engineering notebook


Technicbots Meeting #3 – 9/24/16

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