

Lego Harvester Prototype:

  • Lego wheels are preferred as of now
  • Thick rubber bands from auto shop can be used to pull ball up
  • Duck tape for increased friction
  • A servo can be used to align the ball to the servo


Lego Cap ball Prototype:

  • Two rotatable Lego wheels to receive/pull in ball
  • Wheels attached to two rods that are being pulled by rubber band back to initial position
  • Main “U”-shape design still flawed, as the size is not proportional
  • Another rod attached to “U”-shape as arm that cap raise and lower as adjustable to cap ball

Vuforia Chassis:

  • 2-Wheel-Drive with AndyMark wheels in the back
  • Basic chassis with Hi-Technic Motor Controllers and Modern Robotics PDM and Legacy Module
  • ZTE Speeds used to drive


10/15/16 Hardware
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