

Cap ball update:

The robot will first go through with the claw design inside of the ring design, because it is easier to hook onto the cap ball and overall less complicated. There will be servos attached to gears that will control the claws. This is to reduce stress on the servos, additionally we will use the coil to attach the servo wires to the servo controller.




The arms are slightly bent to match the shape of the cap ball. Additionally, the arms are not flat beams but instead L – shaped, this is to make the arms more sturdy and less likely to bend. Also, this L – shape along with the upright L – shaped beam at the ends will hold onto the balls better.

Tests with just the battery have shown that one silver motor is strong enough to lift all 4 linear lifts and a cap ball and all mechanisms. However the only unknown is whether the two servos will be able to have a strong enough grip on the cap ball.

During the meeting, the servos were tested to be strong enough to hold the cap ball midair.



Sketch of attachment design.


Finished building half of prototype.

10/29/16 Hardware
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