Italics means action items not done last week.

Strike through means items that will not be checked this week, but will be checked in the future.

Take team member attendance in the team attendance tracker sheet in blog (Jerry)

Check availability for the meeting (10/29): Patrick, Justin, and Evan will be late, Abhishek will not be there. (Still missing status update for Abhishek)

Agenda (7:00pm):


-Check action items completion (Coach)

     All: document your work and status in Engineering Notebook

All: To look over roles for FLL Scrimmage and prepare for them

     Hardware team: Do goals for assigned robot part
     Brandon: fix the compilation error in the work space
     Brandon: updates the sponsors and website icon logos
     Patrick: complete the beacon scoring mechanism
     Patrick:  Fix TRR robot with pieces that came in this week
     Evan: prototype is still at my home. Share ESD ppt with team
     Evan: should make mechanism for climber scoring
     Evan: to test Lego mechanism with balloon
     Samuel: Finish putting Engineering notebook into word
     Amanda: make transporter (Get missing tools and pieces from Patrick on Sunday)
     Abhishek: to make new shooter with Poly Carbonate.
     Justin: Make new envelope based on team meeting discussion
     Amanda and Samuel: to find mentoring times for respective school teams
-FLL scrimmage sponsoring (Evan)

-Riddle STEAM Fair preparation (Fix TRR robot, program the Vulforia bot, CAD model simulation demo, puzzle with 3D mouse, trophies with super regional video)

-PTC Windchill post status (Justin)

-Upload CAD design to twitter (Amanda)

-Banner design review (Amanda)

-Pit area design (navy tent, rope of LED lights, Button, poster, gold balloon, Candy machine) (Amanda)

-League updates/Arkansas/Oklahoma/However We’re Going To Advance (Coach)

-Engineer connection update (Samuel)

-Mentoring teams update (Samuel)

-Team blog notification mechanism (Brandon) (long term)


Non-essential Technical item status updates

-MathCAD: (Samuel and Abhishek to try physics homework in the program)

-Vuforia SDK: (Samuel to try the program and report status)

-ESD: (Evan to continue research and report findings)


Engineering notebook (Samuel)

-Review entries for last meeting including Executive Summary (all content should be in by 7pm)


-Hardware section (coordinate to avoid overwriting) :

-Software section:

-CAD section:


Game rule updates (Abhishek) (updates should make into Engineering Notebook)

Robot Design discussion (discussion points should make into Engineering Notebook)

-Autonomous strategy (Patrick/Brandon):

-Chassis design (Patrick):

-Beacon mechanism (Patrick):

-Harvester mechanism (Amanda):

-Shooter mechanism (Abhishek):

-Ball transporter mechanism (Abhishek):

-Cap ball mechanism (Evan):



-Do inventory of controllers, etc. (Patrick)

-Begin CAD model of chassis/attachments, post progress in notebook (Justin)



In meeting Action items (9:00pm)

-Check action item completion for team members who come in late (Patrick, Justin and Evan)

-Engineering notebook Executive Summary Draft Review

-Assign post meeting action items

-Robot update (Patrick- whenever he gets here)



Agenda (10:30pm):

Action items:

Technicbots Meeting #8 – 10/29/16

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