Today we wrote the test ops for the robot and tested the new SDK. There are 2 test programs:

  1. Motor Test – Tests Driving/Turning methods used in autonomous and servos.

Phase 1: Tests methods for LinearOpMode

  • encoderGyroDrive forwards and backwards
  • Gyro turn in both directions

Phase 2: Tests servos

  • Set all servos to initial position
  • Set all servos to 2nd position
  • Return all servos to 1st position

All data is logged in telemetry

2. Calibration – Used to test sensors and set calibration for the light sensor. The class extends our teleop and displays gyro, color, and ODS data in telemetry.

We also made some small changes to teleop and autonomous, but they are mostly done except for the shooter.

11/26/16 Software
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