Major Changes:
-Added shooting capability for Autonomous (and teleop). Autonomous can now score both beacons and shoot two balls, as well as knocking off the cap ball and parking. The autonomous is essentially complete for this season but we will continue to tune it.

Minor Changes:

-Added a slow mode drive for teleop for scoring the cap ball.

-Tuned Cap Ball lift servo positions for teleop using the servo test mode in teleop.

-Tuned Autonomous to more consistently hit the beacons.

-Added better telemetry with instructions displayed on the driver station.

-Swapped Y and A buttons (for cap ball servos) to prevent servos moving while initializing joysticks (start+A would trigger servos)

We encountered sporadic errors during a tuning session with the core device interface module where the sensors would fail to read. This may be an electrical problem or a problem with the code, but it seemed to temporarily fix itself when we replugged the wires. We will continue to see if we can fix this if the problem shows up again next meeting.

12/10/16 Software
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