We spent the night before the scrimmage squishing a couple of bugs:

  1. The optical distance sensor would return near-0 values when the robot approached the border, causing our autonomous to fail. This was determined to be a result of the sensor being slightly tilted and the mat having a slight bump near the edge.
  2. We had issues with all sensors mounted on the core device interface module failing to read. After running our test programs and switching cables/modules around, we found a broken USB cable connecting the sensor module to the power distribution module. After replacing this cable, the module worked properly during the scrimmage.
  3. The gyro sensor would lead to crashes and sometimes get stuck while trying to calibrate. This is a known problem in the FTC SDK and was fixed in the 2.61 release, which we merged into our own repository.

Scrimmage notes and future work:

  1. Autonomous is mostly consistent and during some of our matches we narrowly missed the beacon/center ball shooting. This should be easily fixed with another day of tuning and some mechanism adjustments.
  2. We need to update the code for the new Actobotics chassis, which was recently completed, and write code for the new sweeper, cap ball lift, etc.
  3. We need to add encoder limits for the cap ball linear lift to prevent the lift string from snapping when it got over-extended during practice.
  4. The test programs/telemetry reading works well, but additional telemetry before the autonomous starts to monitor sensors would be useful in making sure that all of the sensors are working properly.
  5. We should write a full set of autonomous programs, including delay choices and only shooting center balls.
  6. Fix the slow mode toggle in Teleop using the technique here, or better yet rewrite the entire joystick algorithm (see here).
  7. Continue to develop Vuforia and other computer vision algorithms.

12/17/16 Software
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