Team member: Austin, Anthony, Audrey, Derek, Max, Melody, Ray

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: Austin, Melody, Derek, Audrey
  • Software: Anthony
  • CAD: Max


  • With #8565
    • Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
    • Rule update check (Jerry)
    • Actobotics grant discussion (In 500 words or less, what is one thing your team learned last season you plan to do differently this season?)
    • Strategy discussion
    • GrabCAD demonstration (Jerry)
    • Vulforia explanation/demo (Brandon)
  • Further discussion on the individual mechanisms
  • Test 6 wheel chassis

Action Items: ( Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Everyone: Think about strategy
    • Ray: Update the Inspiration Notebook with event templates and assigning the events to team members to write
  • Hardware
    • Everyone: Continue prototyping; Document your thought process in engineering notebook
    • Everyone (all Builders) Audrey/Austininstall this REV program which can help check REV Hub health
  •  CAD
    • Max/Audreyupgrade to PTC 4.0;
    • Max: Document system envelop of the current robot in Engineering Notebook
    • Max: Document our decision to use 20% infill and Hexagon for 3D printing
    • Max: Working on cable holder 3D model
  • Software
    • Anthony: Update Engineering notebook on how to setup ADB
    • Anthony: get the 360 turning code working
    • Ray: get the go straight code working

12810 QuantumX Meeting #3 – 9/23/2017

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