Team members:

Austin, Anthony, Audrey, Melody, Max, Derek, Ray

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software: Anthony, Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • With 8565:
    • Grant application status updates
    • First In Texas article status update
    • Qualifier and scrimmage decision
    • Schimelfenig mentoring session availability check
    • Engineering Notebook Expectation
    • Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
    • Rule update check (Jerry)
      • can we touch opponent’s relic
    • REV app demonstration (Abhishek)
    • Strategy discussion/show prototypes/test prototypes
    • 3D printing planning
    • Programming planning, tips and tricks (Brandon)
  • Tune autonomous program for the robot
  • Sign off Engineering Notebook Septement entries with Managers and Coach before leaving the meeting

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Ray: update Inspiration notebook executive summary per feedback
    • Everyone: send biography to Ray to be included in the engineering notebook
    • Anthony/Austin: complete the event description in Inspiration notebook
    • Anthony/Melody: work through the team invitation issue
  • Hardware
    • Austin: complete the linear slide and document in the engineering notebook
    • Melody: document the test performance of the grabler, planned improvements in engineering notebook;
    • Melody: document Anderson connector crimping steps in engineering notebook
    • Audrey: determine the needed length and material; build the jewel ball mechanism, complete the testing and document in the engineering notebook
    • Derek: complete building the scissor mechanism and drive it with a servo to show the extension range, document in the engineering notebook
  • Software
    • Anthony: work on autonomous programming tuning with encoder, detect the pictography and select the proper navigation path; document in the engineering notebook
    • Ray: work on teleop programming, implemented the few tips taught by Brandon during the meeting
  • CAD
    • Max: update the robot system envelope based on latest Robot design with transparent color; document in the engineering notebook
    • Max: create the 3D model of the cable holder and document in the engineering notebook

12810 QuantumX Meeting #5 – 10/7/2017

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