Team members:

Austin, Anthony, Max, Ray, Melody, Derek, Audrey

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: All builders (Austin,  Melody. Derek, Audrey)
  • Software: Anthony/Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • With 8565
    • 11/19 FLL Scrimmage Role assignments
    • Texas Library Association Conference and the TLA Innovation Lab 4/3-4/6, 2018
    • Mentoring availability check
    • Team shirt size collection
    • Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
    • Rule update check (Jerry)
    • Review scouting sheet and google form
    • Review Inspiration Book entries
  • Go over presentation- qualifier on 12/16
  • Strategy discussion/show prototypes/test prototypes
  • Team role assignments including (pit crew check list and robot inspection)
  • Tune teleop for double claws
  • Sign off last Engineering Notebook entry with Managers and Coach before leaving the meeting

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Audrey: create the template prezi and share the link with team members
    • Everyone: Based on the discussion of the presentation plan, fill in the pictures for your portion in the prezi so we can view all together in the next meeting (even if you don’t have a finalized picture, put some placeholders there so we can feel the layout and pace)
      • Melody: team intro
      • Austin: hardware
      • Anthony: software
      • Max: CAD
      • Derek: Youth robotics Fair
      • Audrey: FTC workshop
      • Ray: FLL scrimmage
      • Melody: Fll team mentoring and conclusion
    • Ray: obtain the team brochure from 8565 for past years to think how to adapt for 12810
    • Ray: finalize inspiration book for presentation
      • Max: will write upcoming FLL scrimmage
      • Derek: will write upcoming ACP demo
    • Ray: document the trouble shooting resource for wireless connection per the email
    • Everyone: review Amanda’s team scouting interview sheet to provide feedback (we will share this resource between two teams)
    • Everyone: ACP preparation (all arriving 11:20 am at coach’s home to pack/load and leave at 11:30 am)
      • Austin: get RVW app on to ipad and get familiar with it to explain
      • Anthony/Max: get android phone controlled EV3 robot and maze ready (all is charged and ready)
      • Melody/Derek: bring the rubber band race car kits if there are kids around; if not, also bring device to show some FLL videos and explain how FLL is running based on your experiences in the last three years and telling visitors there will be FLL scrimmage hosted at QD Academy on 11/19
    • Everyone: FLL scrimmage preparation(all arriving 1:10 pm at coach’s home to pack/load and leave at 1:20 pm to QD)
      • Derek: test scoring software with external monitor and official scoring sheet; send official scoring sheet to Austin/Ray so they can get familiar with
      • Austin/Ray: get familiar with the rules and the updated rules on FIRST website; get official scoring sheet from Derek to get familiar with
      • Melody/Audrey: get familiar with mission model setup (we will have FLL team members to help setup at 2-2:30pm. You need to clarify any questions with them if you have)
      • Anthony: practice announcer script and we will have rehearsal next meeting
      • Max: work on the site planning. we lost time in the last week, you need to send coach a version to review as soon as possible so we can have several iterations during the week (actively follow up with Amanda to get the version from last year as soon as possible)
  • Software
    • Anthony/Ray: update Engineering notebook for details on software design/coding/debugging:
    • Ray: complete jewball scoring code
    • Anthony: complete the following within this week (we have no buffer at all to prepare for 12/16 qualifier)
      • Autonomous code structure setup
      • Gyro sensor based turning
    • Ray: update pitcrew program
  • CAD
    • Max: continue CAD modeling and document in the engineering notebook
    • Max: improve 3D print model accuracy and print a working model this week
  • Hardware
    • Austin/Melody/Audrey/Derek: update Engineering notebook for details with pictures, any problem you had and how you solved them (e.g., Audrey did trace the position values of both servos to push the jewel ball to confirm the feasibility of the design. But nothing was documented in the engineering notebook. A picture of all the values you noted down will be a very good source of the information to be put in the engineering notebook)
    • Austin: improve linear slide
    • Melody: improve double claws performance; considering the options to put team numbers on to the robot.
    • Audrey: complete the jewel ball mechanism and put onto the robot so Ray can start programing and testing
    • Audrey: get familiar with robot inspection list, bring the list to check our robot and report how much we are compliant with
    • Derek: continue working on the relic mechanism and document the progress in the engineering notebook

12810 Quantum Meeting #9 11/11/2017

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