Team members:

Austin, Anthony, Derek, Audrey, Ray

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software: Anthony, Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • With 8565:
    • Parents attention: remind if they need to clean up and have the engineering notebook signed off before leaving
    • 11/19 FLL Scrimmage Role assignments
    • Texas Library Association Conference and the TLA Innovation Lab 4/3-4/6, 2018
    • Mentoring availability check
    • Team shirt size collection
    • Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
    • Rule update check (Jerry)
    • Review scouting sheet and google form
    • Review Inspiration Book entries
    • Go over presentation
    • Strategy discussion/show prototypes/test prototypes
  • Review Engineering Notebook / Inspiration Notebook (getting ready for qualifiers)
  • Team role assignments including (pit crew check list and robot inspection)
  • Tune autonomous program for the robot
  • Sign off last Engineering Notebook entry with Managers and Coach before leaving the meeting

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Ray: create the local copy of the engineering notebook with sept and oct entries and show to Coach for review in the next meeting
      • Audrey/Derek: please complete your 10/28 engineering notebook entry ASAP so Ray can make the local copy
    • Coach:  review Inspiration notebooks
      • Austin/Anthony/Melody: update the pictures in the Inspiration book with the pictures which show more participants actions and 12810 team members (I will review your individual entries at the next team meeting including Ray’s summary text)
    • Everyone:  FLL scrimmage hosting preparation
      • Austin/Ray: Referee to get familiar with mission rules ( you may want to go to one of the FLL teams to look at all the mission models again to get familiar)
      • Melody/Audrey: get familiar with mission model setup so you know how to reset the models. We are trying to get the current FLL team members to act as Assistant referees so they can confirm after your reset. But you need to get some basic ideas by reading the manuals
      • Derek: install the scoring software on your laptop and locate the official scoring sheet (show me in the next team meeting)
      • Anthony: watch the youtube videos to get familiar with what to say; be familiar with missions enough to provide live commentary
      • Max: develop the site planning for all 16 teams with pit area, competition are, scoring area etc. Get the planning from 8565 as the starting point
  • Hardware
    • Austin: draft out the initial version pitcrew checklist based on scrimmage experience and pass on to Derek for future maintenance
    • Austin: improve linear slide / chassiss
    • Melody: rebuild the claw with independent two level claws
    • Audrey: adjust the jewel ball scoring mechanism for final placement on the robot (add servo blocks onto the bottom servo and adjust the top servo’s limit position). Obtain the values for both servos at various positions to achieve the action
    • Audrey: get familiar with Robot Inspection check list and started checking the robot during each meeting to track non compliances
    • Derek: improve the scissor mechanism with the new pieces for more contact between sections for stability and test  the relic holding mechanism
  • Software
    • Anthony: work on the autonomous program
      • base class vs individual autonomous classes structure
      • gyro sensor based turning
    • Ray: investigate 4″ wheel capability to go back on balancing stone
  • CAD
    • Max: Continue learning the constraint in the detailed CAD model and adding more parts to the robot
    • Max: Print the 3D model of the cable holder to the accurate size.

12810 QuantumX Meeting #8 – 11/04/2017

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