Team members:

Austin, Anthony, Derek, Audrey, Max, Melody

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software: Anthony/Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • check engineering notebook that everyone has documented their thought after qualifier 
  • Robot improvement and programming
  • Engineering notebook (Summary page restructure, team biography and pictures)
  • Team brochure formatting
  • Scouting interview form 
  • Scouting match recording google form and excel file format (I will have Brandon to explain the calculation formula)
  • Pitcrew check list improvement
  • Driver coach match observation recording form
  • CAD model improvement
  • 3D printer model improvement 
  • Prezi presentation (visual and scripts)
  • REV expansion hub has a new firmware update which we should get 

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Everyone: add availability for 2/10 championships and meetings from now until 2/10 in Team google sheet
    • Everyone: decide on the device for the video and get it downloaded
    • Everyone: think about how you will improve your visual aids and script for the presentation
    • Melody: create a strategy sheet for driver coach (put in team google sheet)
    • Melody: print out sheet for driver coach of the cipher patterns
    • Melody: create an observation recording sheet for driver coach (put in team google sheet)
    • Ray: update the engineering notebook (email Samuel if you have any questions)
      • update the summary page
        • make sure the summary page has a title
        • update the summary page that is one page long
        • make sure the summary page includes the school or organization we are in
        • make sure the summary page has team number
      • add team narrative
      • add a list of bullet highlights with reference to the accurate page number
      • redo the biography portion
        • add the new team picture from Audrey’s dad
        • rearrange the team bios
      • get updated build of materials and robot spec from Austin
    • Ray: put in mentoring pictures to the inspiration notebook
    • Ray: reformat the brochure to make sure it fits correctly when printed
    • Austin: record robot spec and send to Ray to be included as appendix of engineering notebook
      • which motor to which port
    • Austin: update build of materials and send to Ray
    • Austin: think about what to demo for hardware during presentation
    • Derek: work on pit crew checklist
      • make sure everything has a check
    • Audrey: plan the scouting resources for the next qualifier (1/13)
  • Hardware
    • Austin: driver training
    • Austin: work on the linear slide
    • Derek: driver training
    • Derek: work on the relic mechanism
    • Melody/Audrey: document mecanum wheels building in engineering notebook
  •  Software
    • Anthony: upgrade the firm wire of hub and make sure it is still working so Austin and Derek can continue driver training
    • Anthony: check on the autonomous navigation after relic mechanism is put in (central weight might be distributed differently)
    • Ray: program relic scoring logic in teleop
  • CAD
    • Max: add expansion hubs to CAD model
    • Max: do another version of the phone holder

12810 QuantumX Meeting #14 – 12/31/2017

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