Team members:

Austin, Anthony, Derek, Ray, Max

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software: Anthony/Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
  • Driver training with scouting app
  • Presentation rehearsal
  • Document review (engineering notebook, inspiration book, brochure, robot flyer)

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Anthony: send picture of yourself in team shirt to Ray for the biographies (due 12/10 by dinner time)
    • Anthony: add picture to vuforia bubble (due 12/10 by dinner time)
    • Anthony: complete engineering notebook with the notes taken from the process of your tuning
    • Everyone: practice your presentation portion based on the feedback from the meeting (write your scripts in the script doc that Audrey has shared.) The following is the timeline based on the last rehearsal (close to 7 min)
      • intro (20 seconds)
      • hardware (2 min)
      • software (1 min 15 seconds with demo)
      • CAD (1 min 15 seconds)
      • Outreach 1 with intro (40 seconds)
      • Outreach 2 (estimate 20 seconds)
      • Outreach 3 (40 seconds)
      • Summary with mentoring (20 seconds)
    • Ray: finalize on engineering notebook summary and formatting and put it into a local word doc with all sections; finalize inspiration notebook with both outreach portion, business plan portion and sponsor page
    • Ray: finalize team brochurethe mentoring section for the team brochure and add the two graphs (one from Melody and the outreach hours graph)
    • Audrey: finalize robot flyer with 3D model sharing info (need shortened url to disguise technicbots from the url) and print 26 copies
    • Audrey: finalize the team scouting sheet and print 16 copies
  • Hardware
    • Austin: driver training
    • Derek: driver training
    • Melody: add team numbers to the robot; complete the power switch and warning label laminated.
    • Melody: driver training
  •  Software
    • Ray: tune the robot for near glyph positions (red and blue)
    • Ray: update pitcrew program to display color sensor and imu angle information in telemetry
    • Anthony: tune the robot for far glyph positions (red and blue) pending condition that you have completed all delayed by 12/10 dinner time
  • CAD
    • Max: finish the CAD model with simulation video and put into prezi
    • Max: add our team number into the 3D printed models that we share to other teams

12810 QuantumX Team meeting #13 12/9/2017

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