Team members:
Austin, Anthony, Melody, Derek, Ray, Audrey, Max
Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)
- Overall: Ray
- Hardware: all builders
- Software: Anthony/Ray
- CAD: Max
- Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
- Review Award requirements
- Review Robot Inspection list
- Driver training with scouting app
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)
- General
- Everyone except Anthony: send pictures of yourself in team shirt to Ray for the biographies
- Everyone: make changes to Prezi and practice presentation
- Austin: change hardware pictures
- Austin: try to change the font of the hardware sub bubbles
- Audrey: insert new picture of the most recent jewel ball mechanism at a different angle
- Audrey: change the FTC workshop pictures to pictures that have or team in them more
- Audrey: talk more about what we did in the FTC workshop when we are presenting
- Ray: change the title of one of the software sub bubbles from linear slide to automation in teleop
- Ray: change the outreach hours graph to the most recent one in the team sheets
- Anthony: finish the Vuforia bubble and PID controller bubble
- Anthony: work on the demo app
- Anthony: rewrite the sentences for your presentation portion and keep it to a minimum of 2 sentences per section
- Max: change the pictures for the sub bubbles under the CAD section (add a new bubble for system envelope)
- Max: print the rest of the cable holders (with our team number itched on) to put on our robot
- Melody: add the summary graph to the Prezi
- Melody: change the last bubble from Q&A to summary graph
- Austin: finish the build of materials doc
- Ray: work on engineering notebook summary and formatting and put it into a local word doc with all sections; make inspiration notebook with both outreach portion, business plan portion and sponsor page
- Ray: collect items for the team brochure to type them in and update it
- Ray: put in the mentoring section for the team brochure and add the two graphs (one from Melody and the outreach hours graph)
- Anthony: adjust the slicing file from Max
- Anthony: add more to the engineering notebook about the process of your tuning
- Anthony: add pictures of people to the EV3 summer camp section on the inspiration notebook
- Max: write about your CAD processes in the engineering notebook
- Max: provide CAD section for the team brochure and send it to Ray
- Derek: update the robot specs and send them to Ray
- Melody: write about the three main outreach events and include the pictures for the team brochure; send it to Ray
- Hardware
- Austin: driver training
- Derek: driver training
- Melody: add team numbers to the robot; complete the power switch and warning label laminated.
- Melody: driver training
- Software
- Ray: tune the robot for near glyph positions (red and blue)
- Ray: update pitcrew program with manual check on autonomous servos too
- Ray: put updated button mapping for both teleop and pitcrew into engineering notebook
- Anthony: tune the robot for far glyph positions (red and blue)
- Max: finish the CAD model
- Max: add our team number into the 3D printed models that we share to other teams
12810 QuantumX Team meeting #12 12/2/2017