Team members:

Austin, Audrey, Melody, Anthony, Max, Ray, Derek

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software: Anthony/Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • Team rule clarification
  • Judging session performance review
  • Robot work

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Everyone: think about how you will improve your visual aids and script for the presentation
    • Melody: install the scoring system and be able to run the timer for in house scrimmage next meeting
  • Hardware
    • Austin/Melody: Mecanum wheel mechanism test out
    • Derek: complete testing of relic scoring mechanism, including 3d print gripper, ready to be put on the robot
    • Austin: add one more flight of linear slide for relic mechanism
    • Audrey: complete the 3d printed sensor mount part with Max
  •  Software
    • Anthony: magnetic limit switch sensor coding logic, please put the switch picture into the engineering notebook and show/explain how to mount
    • Anthony: autonomous program improvement with error handling
    • Ray: Update teleop with toggle buttons
  • CAD
    • Max: complete the 3D print part for sensor mount with Audrey
    • Max: improve gripper 3D print part based on the feedback from Derek
    • Max: make new design of 3d print phone holder based on the requirement from Austin
    • Max: improve robot CAD model by adding relic mechanism

12810 QuantumX Meeting #16 – 01/20/2018

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