Team members:

All except Abhishek and Audrey.


  • Action items check
  • GIGAWOT camp activities proposal
  • Boys and Girls Club Demo preparation
  • RCCG Church Demo preparation
  • Youth Robotics Fair preparation
    • activity preparation document review
  • PTC CAD modeling QA
  • Youth robotics fair activity leads individual discussions
    • Brandon/Ray
    • Justin/Austin
    • Samuel/Anthony
    • Derek to install Arduino IDE
    • Audrey to check out the Scratch demo with Kinetics
    • Coach Review/Approve: Lego Race Car Activity
  • Team laptop setup
    • Justin to finish installation of PTC
    • Brandon to install Android Studio
  • Ongoing work check:
    • Engineering Notebook Cover Design (monthly)
    • Prezi presentation Design (monthly)
    • AutoDesk capability investigation (monthly)
    • Outreach activity leads status check (monthly)
    • Chassis study project video (monthly)
    • Chassis Study Work Engineering Notebook entry feedback (weekly)
    • Chassis Study Work issue discussions (weekly)
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)


  • Summer Ongoing work:
    • Audrey: Engineering Notebook Cover design
    • Amanda: prezi presentation as visual aid for in pit judging interview
    • Justin: study the AutoDesk capability in rendering the simulation and automation with PTC model
    • Max: create the video for community wide chassis study project


  • GIGAWOT curriculum design
    • Coach: Propose the smart home scenario with MIT App Inventor, Twitter channel and EV3 robot to GIGAWOT Planning team.
  • RCCG Church Demo event preparation
    • Jerry: follow up with team to collect availability of team members and parents for planning transportation, for confirming the pack list, and for brief talking points on the preparation documentation
  • Youth Robotics Fair preparation
    • Actions needed for the preparation
      • Everyone: 
        • update your preparation document based on latest template doc; please follow Brandon’s example which is very complete as I have requested.
      • Evan/Abhishek: FTC Robot scrimmage and driving experiences
        • Scrimmage portion to be added in
      • Abhishek/Amanda: Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm Experience
        • Packlist needs to be split into multiple rows with each row only having one item (add electrode to be purchased too)
        • Technical points need to be extensively expanded so other team member could explain
        • Add diagrams for the explanation (which we will make into laminated sheets)
        • Add the calibration steps for the arm
        • Add the overall steps for a session
      • Justin/Austin: Robo Sumo wrestling
        • Joint discussions on the update based on information from the other two events
      • Austin/Justin: Line follower contest
        • Joint discussions on the update based on information from the other two events
      • Samuel/Anthony: Roomba virtual challenge
        • Add in visual aids for technical points explanation (flowchart, python sample code etc)
        • Continue setup on Anthony’s laptop; get Anthony familiar with the entire activity flow
      • Jerry/Max: change the activity name
        • Preparation document following the template doc with improvement from last year
        • 4/28 meeting: setup on Max’s laptop; get Max familiar with the entire activity flow
      • Brandon/Ray: ipad RVW programming challenge
        • Ray to install the app on one of the ipad at home
        • no further actions and Ready for Coach review and approve
      • Melody: Rubber Band Race Car
        • no further actions and  Ready for Coach review and approve
      • Derek: Spartan robot
        • Add in visual aids for technical points explanation (IR sensor etc)
        • Coach to send info to install Arduino IDE so you can program the Robot too and can show/explain the code to the participants if asked; take home the Robot to practice
      • Max/Anthony: EV3 maze
        • Max to follow the template preparation doc to include everything needed
        • Anthony to create an Android app using MIT app inventor to drive the robot with tilting of the device (
      • Audrey:
        • Austin’s laptop (with Kinetics installation)  may not be available on 5/20
        • Coach will send another activity for audrey to evaluate
    • Template preparation doc:


  • Everyone: log your entries to the April engineering notebook; continue for this week, you will log anything your learnt and resolved in PTC while working on your chassis model and a picture of the latest chassis model in the engineering notebook
  • Brandon: add to the executive summary of the chassis study project with the tests that we planned
  • Max: Finish initial draft of your plan on shooting the video for the chassis study project (Evan and I will review with you during next meeting for feedback)

8565 Pre-season Team Meeting #3 – 4/14/2018

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