Team members:

All except Brandon, Amanda and Abhishek


  • Action items check
  • Boys and Girls Club Demo preparation review with the new date and new availability (Brandon)
  • RCCG Church Demo preparation — Pack list assignment, carpool assignment (Jerry)
    • Evan to show Abhishek and Austin on how to run the driving experience activities as planned for YRF for practicing the rules
  • Youth Robotics Fair preparation
    • Marketing planning
    • Volunteer training planning
    • Site Layout
    • Prizes
    • Approved activity preparation document finalization
      • Evan/Abhishek
      • Abhishek/Amanda
  • PTC CAD modeling QA
    • REV kit of parts
  • Youth robotics fair activity review and approval with Coach
    • Brandon/Ray
    • Jerry/Max
    • Max/Anthony
  • Team laptop setup
    • Brandon to setup Android Studio on Team laptop
  • Ongoing work check:
    • Engineering Notebook Cover Design (monthly)
    • Prezi presentation Design (monthly)
    • AutoDesk capability investigation (monthly)
    • Outreach activity leads status check (monthly)
    • Chassis study project video (monthly) — Evan/Max to review plan then explain to Coach
    • Chassis Study Work Engineering Notebook entry feedback (weekly)
    • Chassis Study Work issue discussions (weekly)
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)


  • Summer Ongoing work:
    • Audrey: Engineering Notebook Cover design
    • Amanda: prezi presentation as visual aid for in pit judging interview
    • Justin: study the AutoDesk capability in rendering the simulation and automation with PTC model
    • Max: create the video for community wide chassis study project


  • General:
    • Everyone: fill in your May meeting availabilities
    • Everyone: indicate your availability for each day of the GIGAWOT  camp in the outreach tab of team google sheet
  • RCCG Church Demo warp up
    • Jerry: award team members and parents in the point system tab of team google sheet
    • Jerry: record volunteer hours for team members and parents in outreach tab of team google sheet (4 hours for each)
  • Boys and Girls Club demo
    • Presenters: get familiar with your slides
    • Brandon: after demo is completed, award the points and volunteer hours for team memers/parents in team google sheet (similar to the action items for Jerry after RCCG Church demo)
  • AT&T Demo on 6/29/2018:
      • Evan: set up the section of the event in the outreach tab of the team google sheet so team members can indicate their availabilities
  • Youth Robotics Fair preparation
    • Actions needed for the preparation
      • Everyone: 
        • start marketing the event: mark it green as you complete it (use the flyer attached in the email)
          • senior members: adjust what you did last year accordingly
          • younger members: each one should sign up for three channels to distribute the information
        • update your activity section in the Youth Robotics Fair tab of team google sheet
          • your requirement of chairs/tables
          • your requirement of volunteers
          • your requirement of outlets and/or hotspot
          • your suggestions on the prize of your activities and amount
      • Evan/Abhishek: FTC Robot scrimmage and driving experience — final actions after reviewing
        • split the information into our own explanation and the reference points that volunteers need (update based on feedback from RCCG demo)
        • preparing the scoring form for the volunteers
      • Abhishek/Amanda: Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm Experience — final actions after reviewing
        • add in setup steps for completeness
        • Finalize the technical points, use screen capture of the code so it can retain the color coding
      • Justin/Austin: Robo Sumo wrestling
        • Joint discussions on the update based on information from the other two events
      • Austin/Justin: Line follower contest
        • Joint discussions on the update based on information from the other two events
      • Samuel/Anthony: Roomba virtual challenge
        • Add in visual aids for technical points explanation (flowchart, python sample code etc), where is it? I don’t see it.
        • complete the setup of Python and virtual Roomba on laptop
      • Jerry/Max: 3D design Challenge  — final actions after reviewing
        • Update the material table with detailed informatiom
        • Add in hand out sheet with the example robot CAD model picture and the url and search instructions if the participants want to  search more when go home
        • Add in the example custom model pictures built based on the objects shown to the participants
      • Brandon/Ray: ipad RVW programming challenge — final actions after reviewing
        • confirm with Brandon if #4 and #5 challenges are working
        • any feedback from RCCG church demo scenario
      • Melody: Rubber Band Race Car
        • no further actions and  Ready for Coach review and approve
      • Derek: Spartan robot
        • Add in visual aids IR sensor range explanation: the current diagram is not helpful for explanation. Need to update to see how you can use it to explain the issues the kids have. You can search on the internet to find good diagram and explanation
      • Max/Anthony: EV3 maze
        • Max to merge old and new preparation content into one document follow this year’s template; I still see the point in the old doc which is not merged into the new doc
        • Max to update the procedure based on what we decided today on how to use the two EV3 robots in the activity; put in the picture of the maze
        • Max to update materials table to reflect what we need
        • Anthony to add in the picture of UI screen of the original app, and the points on the control, e.g., the meaning of x axis, the meaning of y axis, what will happen if you move the finger along the x axis, y axis, in the four corner
        • Anthony to add in the picture of UI screen of the tilt app, and the points on the control, e.g., how you tilt the phone to make the robot to go forward, backward, turn left, turn right
        • Anthony to add i
      • Audrey: Machine learning with IBM Watson Assistant and Scratch (MakeMeHappy)
        • Design the 10-15 min activity for the participants based on project, create the preparation document based on the template and put the link into youth robotics fair tab of team google sheet


  • Justin: show the steps of how to generate BOM list in Creo and added in the executive summary section of the engineering notebook
    • show how they should add the column with more explicit names of the parts
  • Everyone: log your entries to the April engineering notebook; continue for this week, you will log anything your learnt and resolved in PTC while working on your chassis model and a picture of the latest chassis model in the engineering notebook, Due midnight Friday night

8565 Pre-season Team Meeting #5 — 4/28/2018

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