Team members:



  • 7/28/2018 RCCG Church RCX Robot Workshop reflection notes
    • impact
    • timeline
    • issues
  • 8/1/2018 Boys and Girls Club RCX Robot Workshop preparation
  • Samuel’s summary on GIGAWOT camp reflection
  • Amanda’s sharing of Summer work planning
  • Action item check
  • Summer Chassis work overall status update (Coach)
    • ACP sponsor $300:
    • FTC Tetrix kit grant
    • Tetrix chassis donation for the rookie team
    • Project Progress report tool – Gantt chart
    • Engineering notebook report – Audrey
    • CAD models on GrabCAD: version 2 planning
    • Max’s video review
  • Summer Chassis work overall status update Vendor support:
    • Modern Robotics
    • Andy Mark
    • Tetrix
    • VEX pro
    • Actobotics
    • REV Robotics
  • Summer Chassis work individual chassis configuration and programming help if needed
  • Accounting 101 presentation from Melody’s Mom
  • EV3 Summer Camp teaching duty assignment
    • Evan/Austin: 8/4 (Monday morning)
    • Evan/Max: 8/4 (Monday afternoon)
    • Abhishek/Derek: 7/14 (Tuesday morning)
    • Amanda/Ray: 7/22 (Tuesday afternoon)
    • Jerry/Audrey: 7/7 (Wednesday morning)
    • Samuel/Melody: 6/30 (Wednesday afternoon)
    • Brandon/Anthony: 7/28 (Thursday morning)
    • Justin/Austin: 7/28 (Thursday afternoon)
    • All: 8/4 (Friday all day)
Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)


  • Summer Ongoing work
    • Amanda: prezi (or any good tool) presentation as visual aid for in pit judging interview
    • Justin: study the AutoDesk capability in rendering the simulation and automation with PTC model
    • Max: create the video for community wide chassis study project


  • General:
    • Samuel: create the reflection doc for RCCG Church RCX workshop and put the link to the outreach tab
    • Anthony: create the reflection doc for Boys and Girls Club RCX workshop and put the link to the outreach tab
    • Everyone write your reflections for RCX workshop in the doc that Samuel and Anthony create
    • Anthony: prepare RCX robot workshop for 8/1/2018
    • Max: send current Summer chassis project video to all team members for review
    • Everyone: review Max’s video and provides feedback
  • Award judging session improvement
    • Senior team members: look for/connect to people in companies that we can connect with for reaching up in our outreach
  • EV3 Summer Camp preparation
    • Younger member: Connect to your mentor to learn how to teach the session and get familiar with the content and materials needed for the session. By the time you come to rehearsal in the team meeting, I am expecting you are very familiar with content.
    • Senior Members:  finalize your availabilities on EV3 summer camp so we can plan out the resource
    • Evan:  Summer Camp rules (8/4)
    • Evan/Max:  rehearsal in the next team meeting (8/4)
    • Evan/Austin:  rehearsal in the next team meeting (8/4)
    • Ray:  complete the Robo Sumo programming for EV3
    • Amanda/Ray: update the slides based on rehearsal feedback and put back to the drop box
    • Brandon/Anthony: update the slides based on rehearsal feedback and put back to the drop box
    • Justin/Austin: update the slides based on rehearsal feedback and put back to the drop box
    • Melody/Ray/Anthony/Austin: update EV3 google sheet for the materials used in the challenge
  • FTC workshop vendor support recruitment
    • Everyone: update the email per the discussion from team meeting 7/22 (
      • Jerry: VEX pro
      • Ray/Justin: REV
      • Anthony/Evan: Modern Robotics
      • Derek/Samuel: Tetrix
      • Abhishek: Andy Mark
      • Coach: Actobotics


  • Everyone: Update your status on Gantt chart before next team meeting
  • Everyone: finish configuring your chassis and start testing the chassis
  • Everyone: Update your Joint Engineering notebook with your best skills (Due Friday night midnight)
  • Audrey: send engineering notebook entry evaluation comment on Saturday before team meeting, copy all parents. We will correct right away during team meeting, the team members can only go home after it is corrected. You will help track, they can only leave with your sign off on the engineering notebook entry
  • Anthony: update the 180 turn program to use converted range of 0-360 degrees
  • Brandon: upload latest code from chassis meeting to github
  • Max: using PPT to layout the video plan (follow example of RCX video plan from coach)
  • Ray: document comparison between AndyMark NeveRest 40 motor and REV HD HEX Motor Version 2 in Engineering Notebook
  • Justin: import Audrey’s chassis Creo model to Autodesk Max 30 and complete the simulation
  • Amanda: build Audrey’s chassis Creo model in Fusion 360
  • Justin: invite team 9010 to our FTC workshop to present on fusion 360 (contact them for their 8/18 workshop to get our you/Amanda/Max registered)
  • Justin: Plan out the PTC Creo teaching based on last year’s experience so Max can start preparing the teaching

8565 Pre-season Team Meeting #18 – 7/28/2018

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