
  • Boys and Girls Club FTC team mentoring planning for winter break sessions
  • Qualifier performance report (Max)
    • 11/10 Qualifier report (Max)
    • 11/17 Qualifier report (Evan)
    • 12/8 Qualifier report (Jerry)
    • 12/15 Qualifier report (Justin)
  • 1/5 qualifier preparation
    • Scouting document review (Max)
      • pit scouting doc
      • matching scouting google form app with auto calculated score
      • scouting team assignment
    • Engineering Notebook review (Audrey)
      • bio page review
      • summary page review
      • table of contents update
      • team brochure
      • new entries
      • appendix
    • Inspiration Notebook review (Audrey)
      • mentoring session list update
      • table of contents update
    • Robot Build (Evan/Austin)
    • Robot Programming (Brandon/Anthony)
    • Robot CAD (Justin/Max)
      • Hanging system to be added
      • Autonomous mechanism updated
      • team marker update
    • Drive team document review (Justin/Austin/Evan)
      • Existing match study
      • Strategy summary for different partner capabilities
      • Driver training to collect our own statistics to decide on strategy
    • Pit crew team document review (Derek)
      • pit crew check list update
      • important parts replacement tips
    • Prezi for in pit judging (Melody)
    • Presentation for judging session (Melody)
      • rehearsal
      • check list for items to bring into judging session
    • Packlist for the tournament day (Austin)

Saber (8886) – Diagonal linear slide + pivot and sorting mechanism (15 minerals/match on FTC Stats) (Can change video resolution if low)

(8533) Sorter and diagonal slide  (15 minerals/match)

(8533 and 8646) Diagonal Slide – Michigan Finals (Current World Record Teams) –

QuadX – Outtake Sorter (14 minerals/match on FTC Stats)

Other Strong Teams (not as helpful):Wahington: 12611 TechNova (Same team as RoboThunder) – double sample autonomous (can code if we have time)

10030/8680/4106- all strong teams (10030 has very similar design to us, 8680 has sorting mechanism)

7357 – 27 minerals/match on ftc stats


Action Items:

8565 Team Meeting #15 – 12/26/2018

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