Take team member attendance

Agenda/Meeting Minutes for Project Meet:

  •  Assign note taker for the day
    •  –Rotate weekly based on birthday     
  •  Review action item from last meet: Everyone share his/her ideas about how to go about the Project Challenge, any identified problem, how to research and which community to share
    • –Max: Problems- Bats need to find shelter faster  Research- websites Solution- Make bat boxes Community-  Q.D.
    • –Anthony: Problems-  Pigs don’t have a good place to live, and when they are ready for slaughter they are in bad conditions Community- ?
    • –Austin: Problems- When humans and cows interact, cows get stressed out and get sick Research- websites Community- ?
    • –Derek: Problems- People force earth worms into a bins Research- websites Community- ?
    • –Audrey: Problems- When people use pesticides on their plants it harms the bees Research- websites Community-?
    • –Ray: Problems- Some people develop diseases, and they are using monkeys as a test subject. They are also scaring monkeys.  Research- websites Community- Online with animal lovers
    • –Melody: Problems: Some people don’t like interacting with dogs Research: Online and books Community: ?
  •  Discuss trying to narrow down to 2 choices.
    •  — not meeting requirement yet,  can’t narrow done yet, wl keep working
    • — Coach gave example of how to identify real problem, how to research and which community to share, all member needs to use the guideline redo the work.
  •  Everyone share summer animal research see if anything we may find useful for this year.
    •  — run out of time, will do next wk
  •  Role discuss and assigning
    •  –Max is multimedia lead, core values lead is Ray, think about making team rules, music lead is Austin, build lead is Derek, programming lead is Anthony, Research lead (research poster)is Audrey, Community and presentation lead (Team core poster) is Melody
  • Timeline review
    • We are using two weeks to identify the problem, two weeks to research the problem, two weeks to share with the community, and two weeks to do team building and core values.

Agenda for Robot Mission:

  1. Lawyer to report any rule updates / Serious changes for 2016
  2. Timeline review
  3. Review and discuss the strategy for each mission
  4. Summarize the chassis requirements
  5. Assign research action for the mission strategy/mechanism


Project Action Items:

  1. Find two rules for good team behavior or rules that represent good core values.
  2. Write down the main websites you use when you are researching.
  3. Audrey needs to research if human beings being afraid of dogs is a valid problem.
  4. Research again using at least three different resources and write them down,  also you need one real resource that isn’t online, and we can interact with such as organization, or real professionals, or parties are interested in this topic. Please review Project Challenge  again, especially p10-12!
  5. Everyone ask their parents to send Coach Rose 1-3 wechat video or picture of what they are good at, by Wed 9/14, such as playing drum, cell, etc, singing, poetry reading/perform, photographing, drawing, dancing etc. We need every talent for our presentation!

Robotic Action Items:

  1. Update the strategy document based on the example from the team meeting (Including the position of the motors and the sensors)
  2. Complete your attachment prototype and use your hand to simulate the robot movement
  3. Sketch your chassis layout showing all the locations of the sensor and motors

Minionbots Meet 2 – 9/10/2016

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