Take team member attendance:

Agenda/Meeting Minutes for Project Meet:

  •  Call note taker for the day: Derek
  •  Review action item from last meet: 2 teams to share preliminary research on the identified problem, how and where to research and which community to share
  •  Discuss trying to narrow down to 1 choices and possible research strategy.
    •  –Melody, Audrey, and Ray – Backyard Animal interaction
    • Backyard Animal interaction- Problem-wild animals appear in the backyard. Could eat garden. Resources- wildlifeanimalcontrol.com, crittercontrol.com, community (where you live), animal shelter, plano.gov
    • –Derek, Austin, Anthony, Max – Animal Rights,  stray dog? choose a relevant topic.
    • Animal Rights problem-Lots of stray dogs. People get attacked. Stray dogs get gassed.  Resources- peta.org, news, have to go to Dallas to find women that got bit by a stray dog??  Solution- Educate people how to take care of a dog. Inform public to adopt a new dog, not buy a puppy. Make them <3 you. Report stray dogs.
  •  Discuss the possible research and sharing strategy for the topic chosen: (delayed since can’t decide on the final topic)
    •  — research 1
    • –research 2
    • –research 3
    • — sharing community 1
    • –sharing community 2
    • –sharing community 3
  •  Rules for good team behavior or rules that represent good core values:
    • Listen to the speaker/coach
    • pay attention
    • don’t start a meaningless conversation
    • don’t make noise
    • ask for permission before leaving the table
    • no talking while speaker is talking
    • respect team members
    • don’t do weird or stupid things
    • don’t be distracting
    • do your assigned work to the expectations
    • do 5 pushups if failed to meet above
  • Timeline review
    • should move into research phase now, but since kids can’t decide on the topic and the common time, we wl delay 1 more wk .
    • two weeks to identify the problem, two weeks to research the problem, two weeks to share with the community, and two weeks to do team building and core values.

Agenda for Robot Missions:

  1. Check action item status
  2. Lawyer to report any rule updates
  3. Coach explains how to work in the design journal
  4. Coach shows the Sea Monsters’s website: http://www.masteringlegorobot.com
  5. Coach explains how to document your test runs in your notebook during the build session
  6. Each pair demonstrate the mission work so far and other team members provide the feedback (identify the myblocks needed for navigation)


Project Action Items:

  1. Everyone review page 4-5 for core values poster and come up with ideas,
  2. discovery-Audrey, integration-Derek,  inclusion- Max,  team name-Austin,  Ray- other core values judging categories, Melody already proactively did a draft, great!
  3. Coach Rose to check with parents see if can have a common research time to go to S.Dallas for the Stray dog topic.

Robotic Action Items:

  1. Anthony complete and test the master program in the new project file
  2. Derek complete and test the new pit crew project in the new project file
  3. Anthony document all the myBlocks spec in the design journal
  4. Everyone look at the Sea Monsters website and collect tips and record them in the design journal
  5. Everybody finish building your attachments with motor driven and transformation
  6. Everybody reread the rules for the robot game in the challenge document
  7. Update the chassis layout in the design journal with our mission requiremen

Agenda/Meeting Minutes Minionbots Meeting 4 -9/24

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