Take team member attendance:

Agenda/Meeting Minutes for Project Meet:

  • Parents stay 5 minutes for the meeting with coach Fang—-review the rules for parents-Austin to send all meeting minutes together with Action Item to Team and Parents — took 30 min
  • Call note taker for the day: Anthony
  • Chosen Topic for reference:—-1. Melody, Audrey, and Ray – Backyard Animal interaction
    • Backyard Animal interaction- Problem-wild animals appear in the backyard. Could eat garden. Resources- wildlifeanimalcontrol.com, crittercontrol.com, community (where you live), animal shelter, plano.gov
  •  Review AI 3 — everyone bring 1st round research result based on last assigned responsibilities:
    • Identify the problemMelody and Ray (Each Write down the 10 people you knocked and asked, their address, possibly their number and/or email. Have they met wild animals. What kind of animals? Do they know how to handle them? What did they do? Are they interested in being notified about what we find.
      ==========Melody: 10/20home opened door, 2 used fences,  1 used trapped, 2 shooed them away . Rest didn’t care much, research before revealed that one home used BB gun shot bunnies to death and then throw them away, etc, need include
      ==========Melody: write a summery for 2 communities as discussed, to be the part of “Identify the problem”
      ==========Ray: 6/16 homes opened door. One had own dog to guard and eat rabbits. None knew how to deal with animals. They want to know how to deal of them.
      ==========Ray: Send data to Melody, Write a beginning part for the project.
    • Research 1 wildlifeanimalcontrol.com — Audrey (Animals for each season locally, what is the solution.
      =========Rabbits in spring and summer. Squirrels all year except for winter.
      =========What was needed and Action Item:
      1) Call yr research source – Wildlife Removal Team! Call them (Cell Phone: 214-974-0915) and ask for name and position of the person you talk to!!! Write down all the research contact information!
      2)Ask them what are the common backyard wild animals they handle in this area and what’s the best way to Handel the backyard wild animals.
      3)Where to relocate caught bunnies, coyotes, birds, squirrels, and bobcats? Do they have special place to put? or has such plan to build one place?
      4)Do they provide such service (come to catch the wild animal and bring it away) , and how much?
      5)Do they have flyer (how to handle wild animals) to share with residents?
      6)Write 1-2 pages about answers to the things/questions listed above, in bullet points, Q and A format is ok
      7) Write a paragraph that briefly introduces the organization you are researching — this will be used as your part of research and presentation for this project
      8) Write a practical solution combines with yr research findings.
    • Research 2 crittercontrol.com — Anthony (Animals for each season locally, what is the solution)
      ======Same action items as Audrey’s.
    • Research 3 humanesociety.org — Max (Animals for each season locally, what is the solution)
      ======Same action items as Audrey’s.
    • Research 4 Animal Shelter — Derek (Contact local animal shelter and ask what animals they have, do they have any solution for the local wild animals, would they be interested in gathering data, how they helped the local people)
      ======Throw rocks at big animals. Ignore small animals.
      ======Same action items as Audrey’s. need write down contact info , and provide animal shelter Tel to coach by end of Sunday!
    • Research 5 Find a Pest Control (Specialists nearby) — Austin Ask them what they do with wild animals (Bunnies, Bobcats, Rats, Snake, Animals for each season locally, what is the solution)
      =====1)Neighbor had rats.Had to pay $16000 to fix everything. 50 Rats in the room. Get name and stuff from pest control. Called about armadillos, squirrels, rats, and opossums
      =====Same action items as Audrey’s.
    • .– Solution 1 Everyone come up with a solution after their task
    • — Solution 2
    • — Solution 3
    • — sharing community 1
    • — sharing community 2
    • — sharing community 3
  •  Brainstorm and assign 2nd round research goals! poster!
    === listed above, next wk needs to meet the requirement
  • Review Team spirit — Austin
    ====suggested 3 lines: Minions are builder, (minions are cute), minions are teamworkers/players, we are together to build something great!
    ====Austin needs to make it into team chanting using Minion theme per discussion.
  • Brief discuss presentation theme! (below run out of time, wl be discussed next meet or whenever possible, but everyone still needs to keep workng on it)
  • Review Action Item on The Core Values Poster — Everyone needs to list three points under their section, improve the points  — creative ideas?
  • Study Core Values and judging criteria –last season,
  • Rules for good team behavior or rules that represent good core values:
    • Listen to the speaker/coach
    • pay attention
    • don’t start a meaningless conversation
    • don’t make noise
    • ask for permission before leaving the table
    • no talking while speaker is talking
    • respect team members
    • don’t do weird or stupid things
    • don’t be distracting
    • do your assigned work to the expectations
    • do 5 pushups if failed to meet above
  • Observation:
    — Austin, Melody, Derek, Ray’s research met expectation, others need see AI requirement to catch on, need real contact!
    — Derek and Melody had to do push up today, but overall improved focus. Please keep improving!
  • Timeline review
    • need finish research in1wk, finish core value+presentation by 11/5!
    • two weeks to identify the problem, two weeks to research the problem, two weeks to share with the community, and two weeks to do team building and core values.

Agenda for Robot Missions:

  1. Review milestone for scrimmage and qualifier
  2. Check action item status
  3. Lawyer to report any rule updates
  4. Check the tips collected from Sea Monsters’ website: http://www.masteringlegorobot.com
  5. Coach to explain PID controller and the corresponding myblocks
  6. Coach to explain how to document in the design Journal for your work
  7. Each pair demonstrate the mission work so far and other team members provide the feedback


Project Action Items:

  1. Research Project
      • Identify the problemMelody and Ray
        ==========Melody: write a summery for 1 community as discussed;
        ==========Ray: also write a summery for 1 community and write a beginning part for the project.
      • Research 1 wildlifeanimalcontrol.com — Audrey
        =========Further research, What was needed/Action Item:
        1) Call yr research source – Wildlife Removal Team! Call them (Cell Phone: 214-974-0915) and ask for name and position of the person you talk to!!! Write down all the research contact information!
        2)Ask them what are the common backyard wild animals they handle in this area and what’s the best way to Handel the backyard wild animals.
        3)Where to relocate caught bunnies, coyotes, birds, squirrels, and bobcats? Do they have special place to put? or has such plan to build one place?
        4)Do they provide such service (come to catch the wild animal and bring it away) , and how much?
        5)Do they have flyer (how to handle wild animals) to share with residents?
        6) Write a practical solution combines with yr research findings.
        7) Write a paragraph that briefly introduces the organization you are researching
        8)Write 1-2 pages about answers to the things/questions listed above, in bullet points, Q and A format is ok, like a PPT slide
        9) Write a scene conversation about yr research, prepare to perform/present
        10) this will be used as your part of research and presentation for this project
      • Research 2 crittercontrol.com — Anthony
        =====Same action items as Audrey’s.
      • Research 3 humanesociety.org — Max
        =====Same action items as Audrey’s.
      • Research 4 Animal Shelter — Derek
        ======Same action items as Audrey’s.
        ======Pls provide animal shelter Tel to coach by end of 10/9!
      • Research 5 Find a Pest Control (Specialists nearby) — Austin
        ======Same action items as Audrey’s.
    •  Team spirit — Austin
      ====Suggested 3 lines: Minions are builder, minions are teamworkers/players, we are together to build something great!
      ====Austin needs to make it into team chanting using Minion theme per discussion.
  2. Everyone review page 4-5 for core values poster and come up with ideas
    —– review again, Make sure we make a very great impression on the judges since they only see us once.                                                                                                                                  ——-Austin already found Last year’s Judging Sheet for core value and project and everyone need study
  3. discovery-Audrey, integration-Derek,  inclusion- Max,  team name-Austin, Anthony-Cooperation, Ray- other core values judging categories, Melody already proactively did a draft, great!
    ——-Everyone needs to list three points under their section, improve the points

  • Robotic Action Items:
  1. Fill in the design journal
  2. Document tuning in your own journal
  3. Document your strategy into the journal
  4. Tune all your own trips
  5. Max and Anthony find the official way to setup Animal Conservation
  6. Anthony works on the linear movement

Agenda/Meeting Minutes Minionbots – Meet 6 -10/8/2016

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