Patrick mounted the light sensor on the robot, but there was a compilation error in Android Studio about having multiple dex files for Vuforia that prevented us from downloading anything to the robot. It might be because of the recent problems with the Github merge.  Test code was written to read from the ODS and display the light intensity in telemetry, but it was not tested on the robot. Brandon will be responsible for tracking down the bug and fixing it for next week so we can continue programming autonomous.

Edit 10/27: The programming issue has been fixed. There were a couple of incorrect lines in the gradle.config file that caused the Vuforia library to not be compiled correctly. Removing the lines solved the problem.
These lines were deleted:

dependencies {
– compile files(libs/Vuforia.jar)

Plans for the next few weeks: Autonomous needs to be integrated with color sensor and button pushing mechanism, and we need to develop Vuforia (maybe use it as a ball shooting aimer / navigation for autonomous?) or check out openCV. Also the gyro PID code could use some tuning.

10/22/16 Software
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