On the competition robot, we programmed the autonomous to start against the wall and drive back and push the first beacon. The robot starts between the two beacons and drive backwards using the wheels on the side until the light sensor at the bottom detects the tape in front of the beacon. Then the color sensor looks at the beacon color and figures out which beacon to press. We will do the navigation later this week.

11/4: We finished the navigation on one side to get to the beacon. It drives forward, turns, and drives forward again until it hits the wall between the two beacons. Then we do a single-wheel turn to align the robot up with the field wall. We set the motor power higher on one side to line the robot up against the field wall using the rollers. The autonomous on this side is very accurate and we can get both beacons almost all of the time. We will work on the other side this weekend, which should be very similar.


10/29/16 Software
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