Italics means action items not done last week.
Strike through means items that will not be checked this week, but will be checked in the future.
Check availability for the meeting (2/11): All

Agenda (7:00pm):

Action Items

-Find PTC Forum link for Windchill, send to Coach (Justin)
-Work on center of gravity for robot w/ cap ball (Jerry)
-Put parts in envelope (Abhishek)

-Make cover for robot to prevent penalties (Patrick)

Qualifier preparation
-Prepare ESD talk for next week, 2/11 meeting (Evan)
-Pit setup ideas, including monitor (Amanda)
-Light decorations, TV, monitor, etc. for pit setup (Amanda)
-Make tri-fold flyer for robot, make 3 on one page, make PTC workshop on other side, show field on flyer (Jerry)
-Update scouting reference sheet- the one with strategy (Amanda)
-Update powerpoint (all)

-Remove robot design discussion in meeting agendas (Jerry)
-Make robot flyer with table for scouting (Amanda)

Engineering notebook
Hardware: Patrick
Software: Samuel
CAD: Jerry

Hardware (Patrick: Please reply to indicate which ones can be done this week):
(1) Change linear slide to slim and efficient 8020 to decrease robot weight and make tuning autonomous easier. Email Coach the link for purchase
(2) Change the shape of the outside of the robot to not get stuck on the cap ball in autonomous (Red alliance side)
(3) Make the cap ball passive mechanism out of material that cannot be bent easily (less malleable)
(4) Stronger more consistent sweeper (update the packlist specifically for the spare parts on sweeper, need a bunch of them)
(5) Place the wires in a way that reduces wire stress and ESD
(6) Slight improvement on beacon scorer (though most beacon miss was due to broken beacons)
(7) The chassis wheel hub grinding (need a washer or spacer of some sort to reduce damage on wheels and eliminate squeaking noise)
(8) Faster chassis with new big wheels
(9) Maybe tape top of the robot frame that touches the field upper metal border to prevent discharge during the game

Software (Brandon: Please reply to indicate which ones can be done this week):
(1) Tune blue autonomous (should be easier after weight redistribution)
(2) Create position 2 autonomous program for blue alliance (must have for championship)
(3) Program a button for backwards sweeper in teleop (Samuel)
(4) Make the passive cap ball mechanism release a double press on the remote to eradicate the accidental mechanism dropping (Samuel)
(5) DISABLE THE UPDATE feature on all phones for the rest of the year (we won’t be as lucky with a nice FTA in the future)
(6) Make sure pit crew is still reflective of the robot’s changes
(7) Find whats wrong with red autonomous navigation (5% chance of getting stuck at the first beacon then not advancing) do we have enough logging to study the log if it happens again? If it happened during practice, can’t just ignore it. Need to check the log to get down to the root cause
(8) Complete Vuforia navigation and understand more of the performance. so we can make a decision at the championship if we should switch to it or not (affecting chassis layout) (Samuel)


-Presentation (All)
-Pit area design (Amanda)
-Mentoring teams update (Samuel)
-Team blog notification mechanism (Brandon) (long term)

Non-essential Technical item status updates
-Vuforia SDK (Samuel to try the program and report status)
-ESD (Evan to continue research and report findings)
-PTC Windchill post status (Justin)
-Engineer connection update (Samuel)

Engineering notebook (Samuel)
-Review entries for last meeting including Executive Summary (all content should be in by 7pm)
-Hardware section (coordinate to avoid overwriting) :
-Software section:
-CAD section:

Game rule updates (Abhishek) (updates should make into Engineering Notebook)

Robot Design discussion (discussion points should make into Engineering Notebook, these should be mostly finalized)
-Overall robot update (Patrick)
-Autonomous strategy (Patrick/Brandon)
-Teleop strategy (Patrick)
-Software improvements (Brandon/Samuel)

Championship preparation (2/25)
-In action items above

In meeting Action items (9:00pm)
Agenda (10:30pm):
Action items:


Action items:


Championship preparation
Justin – make ftc scrimage slideshow
Jerry – make tri-fold flyer for robot and PTC Workshop
Amanda – make 3 on one page, show field on flyer, do notes columns according to Coach’s instructions
Amanda – do decorations plan for Super regionals
Amanda – finalize scouting sheet
Everyone – do your lists (scouting, pitcrew, pack list, all printables (brochure, trifold))
Everyone – finish your slideshow for the presentation

Justin – Find PTC Forum link for Windchill, send to Coach (long term)
Justin – Work on doing autonomous video in CAD
Jerry – Work on center of gravity for robot w/ cap ball (Jerry)
Abhishek – Put parts in envelope

Jerry – Remove robot design discussion in meeting agendas

Engineering notebook
Hardware: Patrick
Software: Brandon
CAD: Jerry

*Everything below here, please check all of your statuses and send me the ones that are wrong or not there as soon as possible.

Hardware (Patrick: Please reply to indicate which ones can be done this week):
(1) Change linear slide to slim and efficient 8020 to decrease robot weight and make tuning autonomous easier. Email Coach the link for purchase (Status: After championship)
(2) Change the shape of the outside of the robot to not get stuck on the cap ball in autonomous (Red alliance side) (Status: had initial adjustment but need more testing )
(3) Make the cap ball passive mechanism out of material that cannot be bent easily (less malleable) (Status: done)
(4) Stronger more consistent sweeper (update the packlist specifically for the spare parts on sweeper, need a bunch of them) (Status: not changing sweeper, have spare parts)
(5) Place the wires in a way that reduces wire stress and ESD (Status: continue improving especially for OTG cable. )
(6) Slight improvement on beacon scorer (though most beacon miss was due to broken beacons) (Status: navigation was adjusted. need more testing to confirm )
(7) The chassis wheel hub grinding (need a washer or spacer of some sort to reduce damage on wheels and eliminate squeaking noise) (Status: done )
(8) Faster chassis with new big wheels (Status: After championship)
(9) Maybe tape top of the robot frame that touches the field upper metal border to prevent discharge during the game (Status: to be done this week)

Software (Brandon: Please reply to indicate which ones can be done this week):
(1) Tune blue autonomous (should be easier after weight redistribution) (Status: done, need more testing to confirm)
(2) Create position 2 autonomous program for blue alliance (must have for championship) (Status: done pending on the shooter adjustment)
(3) Program a button for backwards sweeper in teleop (Samuel) (Status: done)
(4) Make the passive cap ball mechanism release a double press on the remote to eradicate the accidental mechanism dropping (Samuel) (Status: done)
(5) DISABLE THE UPDATE feature on all phones for the rest of the year (we won’t be as lucky with a nice FTA in the future) (Status: I disabled the update feature on one set of the G4 Plays (we were using the other set on the robot). The set of G2s cannot be disabled without rooting the phones, so we should avoid using them at competitions.)
(6) Make sure pit crew is still reflective of the robot’s changes (Status: done and pending on testing to confirm)
(7) Find whats wrong with red autonomous navigation (5% chance of getting stuck at the first beacon then not advancing) do we have enough logging to study the log if it happens again? If it happened during practice, can’t just ignore it. Need to check the log to get down to the root cause (Status: log is there need more testing and study the log when it happens again )
(8) Complete Vuforia navigation and understand more of the performance. so we can make a decision at the championship if we should switch to it or not (affecting chassis layout) (Samuel) (Status: have identified the strategy to use them on the existing chassis layout, though not expecting much improvement other than impressing the judges; need to work on coding )

Technicbots Meeting #21 – 2/11/17

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