Team members:

Austin, Anthony, Melody, Derek, Ray, Audrey

Engineering Notebook (due Thursday night midnight)

  • Overall: Ray
  • Hardware: all builders
  • Software: Anthony/Ray
  • CAD: Max


  • With 8565
    • Texas Library Association Conference and the TLA Innovation Lab 4/3-4/6, 2018
    • FLL Scrimmage preparations
    • Action item check (including Engineering Notebook)
    • Rule update check (Jerry)
    • Review scouting sheet and google form
    • Review Inspiration Book entries / outreach hours logging
    • Go over presentation- qualifier on 12/16 including the team brochure review
    • Any error and debugging tips to be shared from last week
    • Thanksgiving week goal and work schedule planning
  • Tune teleop and autonomous
  • Sign off last Engineering Notebook entry with Managers and Coach before leaving the meeting

Action Items: (Blue means completed, Black means ongoing and Red means uncompleted)

  • General
    • Everyone: complete the assigned portion on Prezi with picture
    • Everyone: Write your presentation script
    • Max: write FLL scrimmage in Inspiration book
    • Derek: write ACP Demo in Inspiration book
    • Ray: finish the first draft of team brochure
    • Audrey: finish the first draft of Robot Flyer
    • Audrey: finish the first draft of engineering notebook cover and inspiration notebook cover
    • Everyone: filled in outreach preparation hours in team google sheet
  • Hardware
    • Austin: stabilize chassis and linear slide
    • Melody: robot inspection check list to check robot compliance
    • Audrey: mount the jewel ball mechanism onto the robot for final position
    • Derek: continue refine the mechanism on relic
  •  Software
    • Ray: complete teleop and pitcrew program
    • Ray: retune the jewel ball program after Audrey’s remount and color sensor
    • Ray: tune new glyph position
    • Ray: draw java class diagram for all programs (for prezi)
    • Anthony: fine tune the turning and go straight; vuforia image recognition
    • Anthony: setup the autonomous program structure and tune the far glyph positions
    • Anthony: draw navigation diagram for autonomous (for prezi)
    • Anthony: draw vuforia diagram for autonomous (for prezi)
  • CAD
    • Max: continue CAD modeling and document in the engineering notebook
    • Max: design and print phone holder

12810 QuantumX team Meeting #10 11/18/2017

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