Finalizing the autonomous navigation We finished programming basic navigation of both autonomous designs (hitting the beacon from the front/side). We continued to tune the gyro PID turning algorithm and we can get to +-2 degrees on every turn. We decided
10/9/16 Hardware
Shooter and harvester placements on the robot: The shooter and harvester will both be centered left and right of the robot. The shooter will be in the center of the robot a few inches above the center beam chassis.
Technicbots Meeting #5 – 10/9/16
Italics means action items not done last week. (None this week! Yet.) Strike through means items that will not be checked this week, but will be checked in the future. Take team member attendance in the team attendance tracker sheet
Technicbots Meeting #4 – 10/1/16
Red means action items not done last week. Strike through means items that will not be checked this week, but will be checked in the future. Take team member attendance in the team attendance tracker sheet in blog Check availability
10/1/16 Hardware
Harvester: The team decided to use the tank tread belt to transfer the ball from the ground to a higher part of the robot, where the shooter is located. We received the pieces to the tank tread kit this week
10/1/16 CAD
We made a basic envelope of the robot using CAD. The red is the harvester, the blue is the conveyor belt, and the green is the shooter. The harvester gets balls to the conveyor belt. The conveyor belt moves balls
10/1/16 Software
We have two options for doing both beacons in Autonomous: Follow the line on the first beacon, press the button, back up, turn, go to the second line, follow the line, and press the second button. Go directly along
9/24/16 Hardware
TeleOp: Harvester options: One particle conveyor belt harvester: Materials: Wheels, treads, plastic slats Pros: accurate placement of particles, reliable Cons: Slow, needs extra mechanisms, heavy Updated materials for building (no prototyping due to necessary movement)0090: Tank tread chain links,
9/24/16 Software
We began programming the autonomous today with the basic chassis. We are using the new SDK, which comes with a lot of changes and forced us to began reformatting the code. All reusable code from last year was moved over
9/24/16 CAD
We will use reference angles to model two large flat plates that are not pictured above and are held with rubber bands. This will allow a side or an edge to always be, for example, 30 degrees off of a side