Take team member attendance in the team attendance tracker sheet in blog Check availability for the next meeting: Samuel and Patrick are not attending, Brandon, Justin, and Abhishek need to update availability Agenda (7:00pm): LogisticsĀ –Check on Abhishek for FIRST
9/17/16 CAD
New Autonomous Beacon Mechanism Patrick’s model of the new mechanism had a few parts that could not be replicated in Creo Rubber Band The two brackets that connected the 2 long flat pieces were each connected with only one screw.
9/17/16 Hardware
Chassis Design: Really fast robot; reliable; durable Speed over torque We decided to use a 2 wheel chassis instead of a 4 wheeled chassis, to reduce the weight and the amount of controllers to reduce the amount of disconnections. Instead
9/17/16 Software
Our autonomous goal is to press both beacons in autonomous for a total of 60 points. We have 2 choices: (1) have robot drive along the wall and arm extends out on the side – This is faster but the