This meeting was primarily a testing for the shooter, so there was no software development in the competition robot. Vuforia currently has problems with the libraries of the base Vuforia classes not having the class codes lining up. Samuel continued
12/3/16 CAD
We are looking into 3D printing cases for our new phones, the Moto G4 from Motorola. The most common and universal file formats for 3D printing are STL and VRML. STL stands for “stereolithography” – it is a 3D
11/26/16 Software
Today we wrote the test ops for the robot and tested the new SDK. There are 2 test programs: Motor Test – Tests Driving/Turning methods used in autonomous and servos. Phase 1: Tests methods for LinearOpMode encoderGyroDrive forwards and backwards
11/26/16 Hardware
The cap ball mechanism will go through more changes, as the new version is performing only on the same level as the first version and is outside 18 inches. The channel that holds both arms for the mechanism is on
11/26/16 CAD
11/19/16 Hardware
Throughout the week, the robot’s electronics were repositioned to clean up space so that we would know approximately how much space was available for a sweeper and shooter. From the first scrimmage, the cap ball mechanism had several main problems:
11/19/16 Software
11/21 Debugging Session: We quickly fixed both sides of the autonomous and changed the navigation to the first beacon a bit. This is the new navigation diagram. We drive to the first beacon using encoder+gyro and use the light sensor
11/19/16 CAD
This is our new system envelope with the cap ball and the harvester and shooter. The yellow is the autonomous beacon mechanism, the red is the teleop beacon mechanism, the light blue is the cap ball mechanism, the pink
11/12/16 CAD
This is our updated system envelope for the cap ball robot. Pink is the chassis, blue is the cap ball mechanism, yellow is the autonomous mechanism, and red is the teleop mechanism. New Robot Chasis
11/12/16 Software
While Samuel was struggling with adb again, he discovered that you need to DETACH the USB cable first before you connect adb using the ip address. We added the linear slide code to the current competition robot, so now